
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)AC39/2/1-52
TitleMiscellaneous official correspondence and papers, 1929-1930
Extentapprox. 54 items
DescriptionMiscellaneous typescript and manuscript correspondence, memoranda and miscellanea; may contain copy correspondence and extracts; contains correspondence in French; relating to Tariff Truce, Joseph Chamberlain's [Rt. Hon. Joseph Austin; father of Austen Chamberlain] 1903 resignation, Metternich's prophecy relating to Germany and Austria, Death Duties on Works of Art, Question on Order Paper, French and Netherlands Arbitration, Conference on India, Adacti's election to the International Court, Locarno Treaty, Stanley Baldwin [First Earl Baldwin of Bewdley; Prime Minister, 1924-1929] and leadership of Unionist Party, death of Arthur James Balfour [1st Earl of Balfour; Prime Minister, 1902-1905, and various other political offices], Brazil and the League of Nations, U. S. A. and the League of Nations, Gladstone's [Rt. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone] [Prime Minister 1869; 1880-1885; 1886; 1892-1894; various other political offices]impressions of Joseph Chamberlain, situation in China, etc, 1929-1930
Correspondents: Sir Philip Cunliffe Lister, Lady Desborough, Mrs. Dugdale, J. Sandars, Arthur John Bigge [1st Baron Stamfordham; Private Secretary to Queen Victoria, 1895-1901, and to Prince of Wales, 1901-1910], Stephen Gaselee, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, de Fleuriau, Samuel [John Gurney] Hoare [1st Viscount Templewood of Chelsea; MP with seat in Cabinet, 1923-1924 and 1924-1929], M. Adatci, [Edgar Vincent] [1st Viscount D'Abernon; Head of British Economic Mission to Argentine and Brazil, 1929; Chairman Medical Research Council, 1929-1933], Neville Chamberlain [Rt. Hon. Arthur Neville; half-brother of Austen Chamberlain; Minister of Health in 1923 and 1924-29], Gerald William Balfour [2nd Earl of Balfour; MP and various political offices], Baron Moncheur, Sir William Seeds [British High Commissioner in the Rhineland, 1928-1930], A. de Mello Franco, Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, Harold Temperley, Austen Chamberlain [Foreign Secretary, 1924-1929] and others
Includes: /2-/2a Typescript verse by Austen Chamberlain, 1929; /3 Manuscript extracts relating to 1908 correspondence from Metternich to Prince von Bulow, [1930]; /4-/19 Typescript and manuscript correspondence of Lady Desborough, Mrs. Dugdale, J. S. Sandars, Bigge [Stamfordham] and Austen Chamberlain, and extracts from 1903 letter in 'Life of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach', etc, relating to 1903 resignation of Joseph Chamberlain, [1930]; /21-/25 Typescript correspondence and memorandum of Earl of Crawford and Balcarres and Austen Chamberlain, relating to Death Duties on Works, of Art, 1930; /27-/32 Typescript and manuscript correspondence of de Fleuriau, Austen Chamberlain and others, relating to French and Netherlands Arbitration, 1930; /35-/38 Typescript correspondence mainly between D'Abernon and Austen Chamberlain relating to origin of Locarno Treaty, 1930; /48-/49 Manuscript letter from Harold Temperley to Austen Chamberlain and typescript extract of 1877 correspondence from Gladstone to Lord Granville, relating to impressions of Joseph Chamberlain, [1930]
Access StatusOpen
Physical Description/2a is in addition to /2; /30a and /30b are in place of /30; /33 is detached from mounting


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