Description | Largely comprising committee minutes, 1880-1968 (General Committee, Executive Committee, Publications Committee, Medical Committee, and other committee and sub-committees minutes) and a large series of editorial records, 1872-1960; the latter include a wide range of printed material and publications produced by the CEZMS, as well as correspondence and papers concerning prospective publications by current and former missionaries. Also including staff papers, papers relating to auxiliary organisations and the Society's patrons, a small number of conference papers, and reports, printed material and publications relating to non-CEZMS organisations.
The sale of publications and dissemination of printed materials advertising and promoting the work of the Society were important means of stimulating and maintaining interest in the Society and thus for fundraising and recruitment. As well as the printed Annual Reports and the Society's official journal, the printed leaflets are a particularly useful source of information on the work of the Society at home and overseas, incorporating considerable detail on the history and activities of the Society and some biographical notes. |
Administrative History | The Clerical Secretary was secretary to the General and Executive Committees. He conducted all correspondence concerning policy and principles and amongst his colleagues he was considered 'primus inter pares'. He supervised the Editorial Department and was ultimately responsible for the annual meetings of the Society, including the 'Farewell to Missionaries'. He also arranged the 'Annual Sermon', the general 'Review of the Year' and gave the Farewell Charge to outgoing missionaries. He interviewed all missionaries and headquarters staff.
The General Committee met approximately monthly. It appointed the Executive Committee (18 May 1898) and a number of sub-committees. The Sub-Committee of Selection appointed secretaries and members of other committees; the Medical Committee was concerned with all overseas medical matters, hospitals, staffing, provision of equipment and drugs etc; the Planning Committee was formed to plan an Extension Programme for raising recruits and financial support to enable the Society to meet overseas opportunities; the Emergency Committee operated throughout World War II; the property Sub-Committee was appointed November 1942 to prepare policy relating to property in the field; the Zenana Union Committee organised the annual United Prayer Meeting on behalf of Zenana Missions for the CEZMS, the Female Education Society, the Indian Female Normal School Society, London Missionary Society, Baptist, Wesleyan and Presbeyterian Societies. |