Description | Mainly applications for employment with the Society, appeals for the extension of mission work to places outside the colony, letters from catechists. Includes: /1 Rev. A. Denny, colonial chaplain, Gold Coast 1825; /2 James Coney 1825; /3 William Tubb, Wellington 1831; /4 Professor Samuel Lee relating to C. L. F. Haensel's reduction to writing of an unspecified African language 1834; /5 Samuel Crowther junior relating to father's translation work 1844; /6 James G. Wilhelm [copy] 1848; /7 M. Johnson 1850; /8 R.Coote, HMS 'Volcano', relating to training liberated African boys as naval apprentices, also relating to slave trade 1851; /9 James R. Davis and Samuel Davies, naval apprentices 1851; 10, 12-14 Complaints from H. Saunders and [Thomas] Carter Burns Brown (American) relating to Rev. Nathaniel Denton 1852; /11, 15 R. Coote relating to suppression of slave trade 1852; /16 William Cornewall, relating to examination of pupils at the Institution 1852; /17 John Carr relating to cotton production 1853; /18-19 G. A. Allan, Freetown, including reference to cotton production 1853; /20 Daniel W. C. Beale, Freetown, relating to death of Rev. T. Peyton 1853; /21-22 J. B. W. Marchant, Falcon Bridge House, relating to cotton and business matters 1853-1854; /23 Joseph W. Comissing relating to need for additional surgeon in colony 1855; /24, 26 John Carr 1857; /25 Petition from men at Magbala relating to Rev. J. S. Wiltshire 1857; /27 Sangoy Bongela 1857; /28 George Metzger Macaulay, Freetown 1858; /29 Francis Langley, Freetown 1858; /30 John Carr 1859; /31 John F. Bailey, Freetown 1859; /32 John Carr relating to proposed Wilberforce Institution 1859; /33 Isaac Thomas George, carpenter, Kissy school 1860; /34 William Thomas Pratt, Niger Association, Freetown 1860; /35 I. M. Davies, Kissey 1860; /36-38 Letters from Jos. A. Nicols [of Fernando Po] to Earl of Chichester [President of CMS] with note from Earl of Chichester [/38] relating to slave trade 1860; /39 Dr. Robert Bradshaw relating to Mr. Jackson 1861; /40 Mrs. Isaac Thomas George (Eliza), Kissy 1861; /41 Appeal from G. D'Arcy, governor of the Gambia, for mission schools 1861; /42 Peter Wilson, Yongroo 1861; /43-45 Letters relating to proposed Wilberforce Institution from Stephen I. Hill, governor [/43-44] and John Carr [/45] 1862; /46 M. Sannusey relating to need for Bible to be in African handwritten Arabic rather than printed [with especial reference to St. Matt. ch.5] 1862; /47-48 Letters from Governor Blackall to E. Jones [/47] and E. Jones to Secretary [/48] relating to Wilberforce Memorial Institution 1863; /49 William Ethelbert Beserve, godbrother of Isaac Thomas George, Freetown 1863; /50 Charles Chapman: application for principalship of Fourah Bay College 1864; /51 Governor Samuel Blackall 1864; /52 Rev. Charles Chapman, HMS 'Rattlesnake': relating to four African boys training as naval cadets 1864; /53-54 Frank Swanz Essien, English Fort Whydah 1864; /55 William Beserve 1864; /56 John F. Bailey, Kissy 1864; /57 Governor Samuel Blackall 1864; /58 John F. Bailey, Kissy 1864; /59 Report relating to four African boys [see /52] 1865; /60 Sierra Leone Native Church Pastoral Aid Society 1865; /61 Governor Samuel Blackall 1866; /62 Edward Jones, Freetown 1869; /63 Rev. Daniel Smith, Cape Coast Castle, colonial chaplain 1869; /64 R. O. Kennedy, government house, relating to Edward Blyden 1871; /65 Christian Hoeberlin, Basle Missionary Society missionary, Olowogbowo 1872; /66 John Ashwood relating to Wilberforce Memorial Hall 1873; /67 V. Faulkner, Charlotte 1872; /68 Newspaper cuttings with letters from J. Johnson relating to industrial scheme in Sierra Leone 1874; /69 Horatio James Huggins [relating to /68] 1874; /70 William Grant relating to education in Sierra Leone 1874; /71 M. Samisi, Foulah Town, relating to Reichardt's translation of Fulde language 1875; /72 Miss L. A. M. Williams relating to Miss Caspari and Female Institution 1875; /73 Obadiah Punch [came to London with Rev. S. Spain] 1875; /74 J. H. M. Fraser, Charlotte 1875; /75 J. G. Wilson, Freetown 1875; /76 Samuel Lewin, solicitor, relating to estate of J. G. Wilhelm 1876; /77 F. W. Smart to Bishop Crowther 1876; /78 F. W. Smart 1876; /79 William Grant relating to education in Sierra Leone 1876; /80 J. G. Wilson relating to death of father, Rev. J. Wilson 1876; /81 William Grant relating to cotton 1877; /82 John Henry Davies, Bathurst 1877; /83 J. Alphonse Reffell 1878; /84A-B F. W. Smart 1878; /85-88 Application from Major W. J. Ross for service in West Africa, with testimonials 1879; /89, 91 M. J. Marke, Grammar School Freetown 1879; /90 J. G. Wilson, Freetown 1879; /92 Miss Catharine Young 1880; /93A Samuel Hughes, Fourah Bay College: account of life 1880; /93B Sketch map of Port Lokko and Kambia districts 1880; /94 Miss Anna C. Lynch, Annie Walsh Memorial School Freetown 1880 |