
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/B/OMS/C A1 O23
TitleMiscellaneous letters to Secretaries and committees at headquarters
Extent94 docs.
DescriptionMainly applications for employment with the Society, appeals for the extension of mission work to places outside the colony, letters from catechists. Includes:
/1 Rev. A. Denny, colonial chaplain, Gold Coast 1825;
/2 James Coney 1825;
/3 William Tubb, Wellington 1831;
/4 Professor Samuel Lee relating to C. L. F. Haensel's reduction to writing of an unspecified African language 1834;
/5 Samuel Crowther junior relating to father's translation work 1844;
/6 James G. Wilhelm [copy] 1848;
/7 M. Johnson 1850;
/8 R.Coote, HMS 'Volcano', relating to training liberated African boys as naval apprentices, also relating to slave trade 1851;
/9 James R. Davis and Samuel Davies, naval apprentices 1851;
10, 12-14 Complaints from H. Saunders and [Thomas] Carter Burns Brown (American) relating to Rev. Nathaniel Denton 1852;
/11, 15 R. Coote relating to suppression of slave trade 1852;
/16 William Cornewall, relating to examination of pupils at the Institution 1852;
/17 John Carr relating to cotton production 1853;
/18-19 G. A. Allan, Freetown, including reference to cotton production 1853;
/20 Daniel W. C. Beale, Freetown, relating to death of Rev. T. Peyton 1853;
/21-22 J. B. W. Marchant, Falcon Bridge House, relating to cotton and business matters 1853-1854;
/23 Joseph W. Comissing relating to need for additional surgeon in colony 1855;
/24, 26 John Carr 1857;
/25 Petition from men at Magbala relating to Rev. J. S. Wiltshire 1857;
/27 Sangoy Bongela 1857;
/28 George Metzger Macaulay, Freetown 1858;
/29 Francis Langley, Freetown 1858;
/30 John Carr 1859;
/31 John F. Bailey, Freetown 1859;
/32 John Carr relating to proposed Wilberforce Institution 1859;
/33 Isaac Thomas George, carpenter, Kissy school 1860;
/34 William Thomas Pratt, Niger Association, Freetown 1860;
/35 I. M. Davies, Kissey 1860;
/36-38 Letters from Jos. A. Nicols [of Fernando Po] to Earl of Chichester [President of CMS] with note from Earl of Chichester [/38] relating to slave trade 1860;
/39 Dr. Robert Bradshaw relating to Mr. Jackson 1861;
/40 Mrs. Isaac Thomas George (Eliza), Kissy 1861;
/41 Appeal from G. D'Arcy, governor of the Gambia, for mission schools 1861;
/42 Peter Wilson, Yongroo 1861;
/43-45 Letters relating to proposed Wilberforce Institution from Stephen I. Hill, governor [/43-44] and John Carr [/45] 1862;
/46 M. Sannusey relating to need for Bible to be in African handwritten Arabic rather than printed [with especial reference to St. Matt. ch.5] 1862;
/47-48 Letters from Governor Blackall to E. Jones [/47] and E. Jones to Secretary [/48] relating to Wilberforce Memorial Institution 1863;
/49 William Ethelbert Beserve, godbrother of Isaac Thomas George, Freetown 1863;
/50 Charles Chapman: application for principalship of Fourah Bay College 1864;
/51 Governor Samuel Blackall 1864;
/52 Rev. Charles Chapman, HMS 'Rattlesnake': relating to four African boys training as naval cadets 1864;
/53-54 Frank Swanz Essien, English Fort Whydah 1864;
/55 William Beserve 1864;
/56 John F. Bailey, Kissy 1864;
/57 Governor Samuel Blackall 1864;
/58 John F. Bailey, Kissy 1864;
/59 Report relating to four African boys [see /52] 1865;
/60 Sierra Leone Native Church Pastoral Aid Society 1865;
/61 Governor Samuel Blackall 1866;
/62 Edward Jones, Freetown 1869;
/63 Rev. Daniel Smith, Cape Coast Castle, colonial chaplain 1869;
/64 R. O. Kennedy, government house, relating to Edward Blyden 1871;
/65 Christian Hoeberlin, Basle Missionary Society missionary, Olowogbowo 1872;
/66 John Ashwood relating to Wilberforce Memorial Hall 1873;
/67 V. Faulkner, Charlotte 1872;
/68 Newspaper cuttings with letters from J. Johnson relating to industrial scheme in Sierra Leone 1874;
/69 Horatio James Huggins [relating to /68] 1874;
/70 William Grant relating to education in Sierra Leone 1874;
/71 M. Samisi, Foulah Town, relating to Reichardt's translation of Fulde language 1875;
/72 Miss L. A. M. Williams relating to Miss Caspari and Female Institution 1875;
/73 Obadiah Punch [came to London with Rev. S. Spain] 1875;
/74 J. H. M. Fraser, Charlotte 1875;
/75 J. G. Wilson, Freetown 1875;
/76 Samuel Lewin, solicitor, relating to estate of J. G. Wilhelm 1876;
/77 F. W. Smart to Bishop Crowther 1876;
/78 F. W. Smart 1876;
/79 William Grant relating to education in Sierra Leone 1876;
/80 J. G. Wilson relating to death of father, Rev. J. Wilson 1876;
/81 William Grant relating to cotton 1877;
/82 John Henry Davies, Bathurst 1877;
/83 J. Alphonse Reffell 1878;
/84A-B F. W. Smart 1878;
/85-88 Application from Major W. J. Ross for service in West Africa, with testimonials 1879;
/89, 91 M. J. Marke, Grammar School Freetown 1879;
/90 J. G. Wilson, Freetown 1879;
/92 Miss Catharine Young 1880;
/93A Samuel Hughes, Fourah Bay College: account of life 1880;
/93B Sketch map of Port Lokko and Kambia districts 1880;
/94 Miss Anna C. Lynch, Annie Walsh Memorial School Freetown 1880
Access StatusOpen


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