Description | Comprising: Copies of correspondence between the mission secretary, missionaries and catechists concerning the work of the mission and disputes within it; printed notices of mission meetings and appeals for educational and philanthropic work; copies of reports from native agents of conditions in the interior of the country and instructions to agents from the Finance Committee; correspondence with persons outside the mission; /1-3 Mission secretary's letters to the secretary of the West Africa mission 1844-45, 1847; /4 C. A. Gollmer's instructions to the native agents at Badagry 1852; /5-6 Letters from Henry Gilbert Lawson and F. Gerst relating to Lawson's position under C. A. Gollmer 1854; /7-16 Correspondence between C. A. Gollmer, Rev. E. A. Gardiner (Wesleyan missionary at Lagos), E. G. Irving and the mission secretary including allegations against Gollmer relating to Badagry civil war and consul at Lagos [see O4-8] 1854-55; /17 Letter on behalf of Sierra Leone and Portuguese emigrants sending gunpowder to Abeokuta to prevent invasion by Dahomians 1855; /18-19 Letters to Mrs Beale describing death of husband James Beale [see C A1 O36] 1856-57; /20 Letter from George William of Oyo relating to Baptist mission and land 1857; /21 Letter to mission secretary from bishop of Sierra Leone after his visit to the mission Apr 1859; /22 'Iwe Irohin' issue no.2 Nov 1859 [newspaper in Yoruba language] 1859; /23 Letter from C. A. Gollmer relating to building wall for mission house (for Maser) and relating to S. Pearse [finance letter] 1861; /24 Mission secretary's letter to the native agents, proposing the formation of the 'Mutual Aid Society of the CMS Native Agents of the Yoruba Mission' [printed: Ake Press] 1861; /25 Report of the Ijaye Relief Committee Oct 1861 [after the siege of the town by the Ibadan army] [printed]: Ake Press] 1861; /26 Prayer of Akibode, a Yoruba chief [printed in CM 'Gleaner' 1864 p.2] 1863; /27,29 Letters to J. A. Lamb from Rev. T. A, Reid, Anjaw 1863-64; /28 Letter of resignation: A. C. Willoughby, Lagos 1864; /30 Statements and copies of correspondence relating to allegations against T. B. Wright by Governor John H. Glover 1865; /31 Report for Oyo station by Andrew Wilhelm 1866; /32 Deposition, sworn by a formerly enslaved person, at Abeokuta, who had escaped to Lagos 1865; /33-34 Statements and copies of correspondence between William Allen and J. A. Maser relating to assult on C. F. Lieb in Igbein Jun 1866; /35 Letter, unsigned, from Ake, Abeokuta, relating to riot at Abeokuta 1867; /36 Letter from Moses Andrew Wilhelm (son of Andrew Wilhelm) relating to charges brought against him after Abeokuta riot 1867; /37 Statement to accompany minutes of meeting of local committee 25 Feb 1869 relating to candidates [William Allen and - Puddicombe for ordination in Ibadan 1869; /38 Account of Yoruba scriptures sold Apr - Sep 1870; /39-40 Correspondence between the mission secretary and the bishop of Sierra Leone 1871; /41 Programme of church conference Faji [printed] 1871; /42 Report from Ofada's farm 1872; /43 Letter from the church council to the Finance Committee 1872; /44 Services in Yoruba 1873 [entered in mission book (C A2 M8) as 'journal of a native'!]; /45 Depositions, correspondence and petition relating to Joseph Bola, Lagos, imprisoned for debt 1873; /46 Letter from W. Moore, Oshielle, relating to payment of teachers 1873; /47 Minutes of meeting of the native agents at Abeokuta 1873; /48 Programme of concert at Faji [printed] 1873; /49A-B Correspondence and programme [printed] relating to concert by Lagos Philharmonic Club 1873; /50 Copies of letters from E. Papoola, Ikija; William Robert of Iseyin 1873; /51 Copies of letters from William Moore, Oshielle; Samuel Cole, Ikija 1873; /52-69 Correspondence between the mission secretary and the Association for Promoting Educational and Religious Interests in Lagos (Charles Forsythe secretary) Sep - Oct 1873 including [/53] circular on education in Lagos Sep 1873 [printed] 1873; /70 Copy of letter from Joseph Lasite relating to persecution 1874; /71 Copy of letter from P. O'Brien relating to property 1874; /72 Copies of correspondence between Charles Phillips and Rev. V. Faulkner 1874; /73 Journal of tour east of Lagos by J. A. Lahanmi, A. Maser and E. Roper: Leke, Atujere, Aboti, Igbo'bini, Ebute-Agbaje, Erinla 5 Dec 1873 - 3 Jan 1874; /74A-C Letters from T. B. Macaulay, J. H. Willoughby and Samuel Crowther relating to Owen Emeric Macaulay and Samuel Willoughby to be admitted to Fourah Bay College 1874; /75 Copy of letter from bishop of Sierra Leone relating to election of church committee and council prior to revision of Lagos Church Regulation 1875; /76 Journal of evangelist at Ilesa 1875; /77 Copy of letter from A. F. Foster, Iseyin 1876; /78 Letter from bishop of Sierra Leone to A. Maser including reference to proposed Lagos Church of England School Society 1876; /79 Copies of letters from D. Olubi, Kudeti and Phillipe Jose Meffre, Leke 1876; /80 Letter relating to Martha Barham, Coral Fund scholar 1877; /81 Copies of letters from Hugh Goldie, William George, Samuel Cole and James Johnson 1877; /82 Correspondence and papers (numbered 1-10) relating to the Lagos School Board 1877; /83 Papers relating to re-admission of W. S. Allen, catechist at Ibadan 1877; /84 Letter from churchwardens of Breadfruit Church, Lagos 1877; /85-91 Copies of letters between J. A. Maser and M. J. Luke, I. A. Braithwaite [/85], schoolmasters at Lagos [/86-87], James Johnson, S. Doherty, W. Allen, Daniel Olubi [/88], John Milum of Wesleyan Mission [/89-90], Daniel Olubi, W. S. Allen, Samuel Johnson, Charles Phillips [/91] 1877; /92 Correspondence concerning Wesleyan mission proposal to build chapel at Iloko (allegedly too near CMS church at Ake) and the erection of a chapel on CMS land at Ibasa Tedo: between Rev. A. W. Franklin, Rev. W. B. George and John Milum, Wesleyan Mission; and W. Allen and James Johnson, CMS 1877: including statement by S. Doherty relating to Ibasatedo land, also covering letters to Henry Wright [CMS Hon. Sec.] by Henry Townsend (at Exeter) 1878; /93 Report of building of first native pastorate church in Lagos, Holy Trinity Church, Ebute Ero [printed] 1878; /94 Journal letter of Nathaniel Ogbonaye, Itebu, with postscript by J. A. Braithwaite 1878; /95-97 Copies of letters between J. A. Maser and H. Johnson, Samuel Pearse and C. Foresythe relating to repair of mission cotton house, Breadfruit [/95]; J. Johnson, S. Cole and W. Moore [/96]; N. Thomas King, John Field, S. A. Lemon and W. Moore [/97] 1878; /98 Report of the Lagos Wesleyan High School building 1878; /99 Letter from J. H. Ashcroft, Lagos relating to building of principal's house at Grammar School, Lagos 1879 [entered in precis book (G3 A3 P1) as no.59 of 1881 for Niger mission "found in Lay Secretary's drawer"]; /100-101 Copies of letters from Rev. J. Johnson and Rev. D. Williams to J. A. Maser relating to Dahomian war 1879; /102 Letter from A. David William, Ilugu, relating to salary 1879; /103-108 Correspondence with and relating to James Johnson and financial affairs of church in Abeokuta and district 1879; /109 Circular from Colonial Secretariat relating to rules for leave of absence within Gold Coast Colony 1879; /110 Circular relating to formation of Lagos Auxiliary CMS, proposed after retrenchment request from CMS headquarters [printed] 1879; /111 Notice relating to meeting concerning retrenchment (as in /110) [printed] 1879; /112-113 Copies of letters from Charles Foresythe, Rev. David Williams. A. F. Foster and Abeokuta elders 1879; /114 Copy of letters to J. A. Maser from J. Johnson, D. Williams, W. Moore and J. White 1879; /115-116 Letters from D. W. Burton, Lagos, relating to building matters 1879; /117 Journal extract: Nathaniel Ogbonaye: Itebu Oct-Dec 1879; /118 Copy of letter from Translating Committee to the Yoruba Finance Committee 1880; /119 'Order for Confirmation' in Yoruba: printed at Abeokuta nd [watermark: J. Gater]; /120 Note relating to letters from Africa wrongly sent to B. Batty of Hampstead nd circa. 1880 |