
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/B/OMS/G3 A5 P9
TitlePrecis book: 26 March 1929 - 22 January 1935: 20/1929 - 167/1934
Extent1 volume
DescriptionContains inserted papers:
opp.1932/55 Correspondence from Kenya concerning certain political issues: 1) the Land Tenure Commission 2) conscription 3) the discovery of gold in the Kavirondo reserves [duplicated] 1932;
opp.1932/65 Draft constitution for Mombasa cathedral [duplicated] 1932;
opp.1932/93 Memorandum on the personnel of the Kenya mission and the quota of recruits 1932
Access ConditionsFor conservation reasons, microfilm or digital copies are made available in place of the original documents.
Access StatusOpen, but subject to some access restrictions


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