
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/B/OMS/C C1 O 16/1-163
TitleRev William Cockran
Extent163 items
DescriptionRed River Settlement 1825-32; Grand Rapids, Red River 1833-48; Red River Settlement 1849-58; Portage La Prairie 1858-65: assistant chaplain to Hudson's Bay Company
/1-147 Letters 1825-63, 1865 including:
/3 Letter reference to weight and size of freight [solid inches] 1825;
/4 Description of great flood at Red River 1826;
/8 Report for 1828;
/9 [signed by Cockran and William Garrioch] 1829;
/10B List of goods supplied to the Indian establishment from Fort Garry store 1828/29;
/10C List of material needed for Cockran 1829;
/10D Certificate declaring accuracy of copies [10E] signed by Cockran and Garrioch 1829;
/10E Copies of entries in registers of baptisms, marriages and burials of the Red River colony 1828-1829;
/13 Includes list of Sunday school scholars giving name, age, country and nationality of parents (126 names) 1830;
/15 Includes list of articles needed 1831; /19B Indent of articles, mainly clothes and books 1832;
/19C Letter from Benjamin Harrison [1832];
/22C Indent of articles needed 1833;
/30A-B List of articles and stores sent to Cockran Oct 1833 with his comments 1833;
/32 List of clothing needed for 1836 for family and articles needed for Indian school 1836;
/34B List of clothes needed and articles for Indian schools 1836;
/36 Includes reference to death of Mrs. Jones 1836;
/40,46 Indent for clothes and books needed 1837, 1839;
/53 Letter from A. Ross, Red River to Cockran reference to setting up Cumberland 1840;
/54 Accounts and indent for private supplies 1840;
/55 Report of Sunday school, Upper Church mission [by Henry Budd, stationed at Upper School with G. Pritchard] 1840;
/56 Report of Grand Rapids school 1840;
/63,71 Indents for private supplies 1842, 1843;
/67 Letter ordering Parr's Life Pills 1843;
/72,76 Letters from Donald Gunn with reports for Grand Rapids school 1842-43, 1844;
/80 Return for Grand Rapids school 1845;
/87 Copy of deed of sale of 400 acres at Grand Rapids Red River from Earl of Selkirk to Cockran 1832 with plan of survey land;
/89 Letter from A. Ross, Colony Gardens: detailed account of death of daughter [aged 6 years 6 months] of George Flitt junior, Ross's son-in-law 1848;
/90 Letter from Henry Budd, Cumberland 1847;
/91 Letter from James Hunter, Cumberland 1848;
/95 Encloses correspondence with bishop of Rupert's Land relating to opening of mission work at Portage la Prairie 1851;
/99 Indian church: list of communicants (127 names) 1852;
/100 Indian settlement: list of heads of families (87 names) 1852;
/101 Church subscription list (58 names) 1852;
/103 Indian settlement: cash account for repairs of mill, schoolroom etC. Jul 1851 - May 1852;
/108 Petition to Cockran from settlers at Portage la Prairie (23 names) 1853;
/109 Petition to Cockran from Indians at Portage la Prairie (48 names) 1853;
/110 Referring to opening of orphan asylum 1853;
/138 Copy of letter to [W. W.] Kirkby reproving him relating to alleged indiscretions and unsuitable behaviour 1859;

/148-162 Journals and journal extracts 1825-29, 1831-41, 1843-46: Jun - Aug 1825, Aug - Dec 1826, Jan - Jul 1827, Aug - Dec 1828, Jan 1829- 1 Jun, Sep 1831 - Jun 1834, Aug 1835- Jul 1841, Aug 1843- Jun 1846;
/163 Annual letter for 1855
Access ConditionsMicrofilm or digital copies are made available in place of the originals.
Access StatusOpen, but subject to some access restrictions


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