Description | Moose, 1851-72.
/1-76: Letters, 1851-1865, 1867-1872, including: /5: concerning Albany, 1852; /6B-C: goods ordered, 1852; /6D: The Lord's Prayer, Ten Commandments and some text in a Cree dialect, 1852; /8B: copy of instructions from the Bishop of Rupert's Land to Horden on his ordination as priest, 1852; /9: includes list of books ordered, 1853; /10B: pencil drawing of buildings on Moose Island [includes church, Horden's house], 1852; /10C: pencil drawing of [First Nations] 'Indian' women, 1852; /10D: words of the Grace in an [Inuit] language, with detailed grammatical explanation; /14B: indent for supplies, 1854; /17B: copies of correspondence with Sir George Simpson relating to proposed enlargement of church at Moose Fort, 1854; /17C: Ink drawing: Elevation of church, 1854; /17D: plan of tablets to be placed in the church, 1854; /20: includes lengthy indent for books for a lending library, 1856; /22B: indent for books, 1857; /25B: a brief letter from Angus McLeod, Mistasinni, [1857-1858]; /26, 30, 35: orders for supplies (including many books), 1858, 1859, 1860; /36: copy of an extract of a letter to Horden from J. Anderson about re-establishment of mission at East Main, 1860; /39,45: indents for supplies (mainly books), 1861, 1862; /47,49: indents for supplies 1864 [/47 includes '2 indestructable picture books for a young child, 1 Boys Own Magazine for 1863']; /52: includes account of visit to Rupert's House, 1865; /57: order for supplies, 1868; /64: includes reference to 'Nascopie Indians', 1869; /65B, 72B, 74B: statistics and accounts for Moose Mission, 1869, 1870, 1871; /69: includes reference to New Brunswick, 1870; /75A-B: concerning Matachewon and Matawakumma, [with carbon copy], 1872;
/77-99: Journals 1851-1863 Entries for June 1851 - August 1862, January - August 1863, including: /77: concerning Kirkwall and Stromness, 14 June - 1 July 1851; /81: description of conjuring pole, 27 April 1853; /90: journey to Rupert's House, June - August 1858; /91: 11 March - 7 May 1859: fragment of Jan - Aug endorsed by headquarters clerk 'returned from J. Ridgeway in this state' see CM 'Record' 1860 [Ridgeway was CMS Editorial Secretary]; /98: journey to Whale River, 1 July - 9 August 1862: Rupert's House, Fort George;
/100-101: Reports 1853-1854.
/102-116: Annual Letters for 1854-1856, 1858-1864, 1868-1872.
/117: Letter from an unnamed First Nations correspondent, written in syllabics, with a translation by Horden, nd; /118: The Commandments and a hymn written in Saulteaux, with a note by Horden, [1852]. |