Description | Cumberland, 1845-1854; St Andrews, Red River, 1855-1865.
/1-98: Letters 1844-1865, including: /2B: list of names of people baptised and married at Oxford House, 1844, the Pas 1844-1845, Cumberland House, 1845 and Norway House, 1845; /5B: indents for supplies, 1846; /8B: indents for supplies including for James Settee and Henry Budd, 1847; /8C: indent for medicines, 1847; /11-12: indents for supplies, 1848; /14B: list of supplies needed, 1849; /17B: list of supplies needed including for Henry Budd and James Settee, 1850; /19: refernce to son, James Henry (aged 6), going to England, 1851; /21A: reference to translations into Cree and grammar and orthography, 1851; /21B: lists of Cree vowel sounds, tenses and consonants, 1851; /21C: list of Cree syllables, 1851; /21D: indent for supplies for Cumberland, 1851; /21E: indent for supplies for Mr Budd including detailed measurements for suit of clothes, 1851; /22B: Indent for supplies needed to start station at Nepowewin 1851; /23: includes reference to a flood at Red River, 1852; /24B: copies of correspondence and documents relating to consecration of Christ Church, Cumberland, by the Bishop of Rupert's Land, 1850; /24C-D: indent for supplies for Cumberland, also for Rev Henry Budd, 1852; /25B: translation into Cree by Mrs Jean Hunter: the First Epistle General of John, 1852; numbered by the clerk at the CMS UK office, pp19-24 and, on the front 'London Church Missionary House Salisbury Square 1857'; /25C: key to [Cree] orthography: numbered by the clerk at the CMS UK office, pp1-8, [1852]; /25D: order for goods, including a bell for the schoolroom, 1852; /27B: translation into Cree by James Hunter: prayer book and ten hymns: numbered by the clerk at the CMS UK office, pp9-18, [1852]; /30A-C: indents for supplies for Nepowewin, Mr Budd and Cumberland, 1853; /31: relating to Cree language, 1854; /32-35: indents for supplies for Nepowewin and Cumberland, 1854-1855; /38: detailed about the death of Miss Greenleaf, 1855; /40B, 46B, 53B: indents for supplies, 1855, 1856, 1858; /56-60: written while on a journey to the mouth of Mackenzie River on Artic coast, 1858; /60B: census of the population of Mackenzie River District, 1 June 1858; /61B: list of donations to Mackenzie River District, 1859; /64: about son, James Henry, 1860; /68B: printed paper: 'God's charge to Zion's Watchmen': a sermon at the ordination of the Rev T. T. Smith by Archdeacon Hunter, 17 May 1860); /69B: enclosed list of donations towards the erection of a church at Fort Simpton, 1858; /70B: report: St Andrews parish; St Andrews school; Park's Creek school; Little Britain school; Mapleton school [newspaper cutting: 'The Nor' Wester', 14 June 1860]; /73B Order for supplies 1861; /76B, 77B-C Account for freight paid to Messrs. Burbank on packages from Liverpool to Fort Garry, Sep 1861; /78B: Copy of extract from letter of Rev. J. Chapman to Bishop Anderson reference to Mr. Gardiner 1860; /79B: Statistical returns, 1862; /79C: indent for supplies, 1862; /80 Includes postscript reference to massacre of settlers by Sioux Indians 1862; /81 Includes reference to gold found in Saskatchewan 1862; /82 Includes reference to charges against Rev. G. O. Corbett of Colonial and Continental Society, with newspaper cutting [/82B] 1863; /83-84A, 185 As in 82A; also reference to calumnies against Hunter falsely alleged by John Tait, 1863; /84B Newspaper cutting referring to Mr. Corbett 1863; /84C Copy of letter from Messrs. Burbank to Hunter relating to goods stranded at St. Cloud because of Sioux uprising 1863; /84D Indent for goods 1863; /85 Includes statistics for 1863; /86B List of subscribers to St. Andrews Auxiliary CMS 1862-63; /94-96 Reference to possibility of being offered bishopric 1865;
/99-121: Journal 1844-1854, 1858-1865, including: June 1844 - September 1854; June - November 1858; January - April, June, October - December 1859; January - December 1860; January - Mach, August - December 1861; January 1862 - January 1865. Journal entries for 1848 include description of a tent erected for the Goose Feast and dance and, 29 May, 'metawin', initiating a young woman into medicine, 27 May 1848 (/106). Entries for 1858-1859 include a journey to Mackenzie River and back with references to a Roman Catholic priest with whom he was travelling; [First Nations people] 'Indians'; tales of cannibalism and other atrocities, 1858-59 (/114-115);
/122-137: Reports 1845-1857: Cumberland, 1845-1854; Lac la Ronge, 1847-1850; Grand Rapids, 1856-1857. Including journal extracts of James Settee, Lac la Ronge: 26 October 1849 - 18 May 1850 (/131).
/138-142: Annual Letters for 1856-1857, 1860-1861, 1863. |