
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/B/OMS/C C1 O 43/1-9
TitleCaleb Baskett Mayhew
Extent9 items
DescriptionSchoolmaster. St Andrews model school, Grand Rapids, Red River, 1856-1858.

/1-6: Letters 1856-58, including:
/1: includes reference to Miss Greenleaf [sister to Mrs Stagg, drowned in Lake Winnipeg], 1856;
/3: includes reference to Bishop [V. W. ] Ryan, former principal of Highbury training college for schoolmasters, 1857.

/7-8: Reports [very detailed] 1857-1858, including:
/7: includes description of taking in the playing field, 1857;
/8: includes detailed account of school treat and reference to introduction of homework, 1858.

/9: Annual Letter for 1857: much about education.
Access ConditionsMicrofilm or digital copies are made available in place of the originals.
Access StatusOpen, but subject to some access restrictions
Related Material/1: see CMS/B/OMS/C C1 O 57/8;
/8: see CMS periodcial the Curch Missionary 'Juvenile Instructor', 1859.


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