
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/B/OMS/C C1 O 44/1-4
TitleRev Kenneth N. L. McDonald
Extent4 items
DescriptionFort Simpson, 1873-1878. Brother of Robert McDonald, CMS missionary with the North-West America Mission.

/1-3: Journals 1 September 1873 - 31 May 1876, including:
/1: visit to Peel's River Rampart House (Fort McPherson) and Black River, 1873-1874.

/4: Extract of a letter from McDonald to the Bishop of Rupert's Land about his brother, Robert's, need for help in the Tukudh Mission, 1878.
Access ConditionsMicrofilm or digital copies are made available in place of the originals.
Access StatusOpen, but subject to some access restrictions


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