
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/B/OMS/C C1 O 45/1-66
TitleRev Robert McDonald
Extent66 items
DescriptionIslington [White Dog], 1853-1862; Fort Youcon (Loucheux peoples), 1862-1870; Rampart House, 1871; Fort McPherson, 1872-1880.

/1-22: Letters 1856, 1862-71, 1873, 1875, 1877, including:
/7 includes reports of work for 1864, including religious beliefs of Tukudh, also prayer and hymn in Tukudh, hymn in [Inuit language] and copy of syllabic system for Tukudh, 1864;
/10, 12: include report of work for 1866, 1867.

/23-48: Journals 1853-1860, 1865-1871, 1874-1878, including:
October 1853 - June 1868;
August 1865 - October 1868;
July- December 1869;
January - June 1870;
January - December 1871;
April 1874 - February 1878.

/49-66: Annual Letters for 1856-1857, 1859-1861, 1868-1869, 1871-1879/80.
Access ConditionsMicrofilm or digital copies are made available in place of the originals.
Access StatusOpen, but subject to some access restrictions


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