
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/B/OMS/C I1 O4/1
TitleAgra CMS conference:
Extent22 docs.
DescriptionConference held at Agra or Secundra:
/1-18 Minutes 1845-1856, 1861, 1866-1867, 1870-1871;
/19 Report of sub-committee on progress of mission [end missing] 1866;
/20 Letter to headquarters relating to establishment of medical mission school in North-West Provinces 1869;
/21 Letter relating to work at Secundra 1861;
/22 Letter to secretary of Agra and Delhi Baptist mission relating to alleged intrusion of Baptist missionaries at Maliyana, a CMS out-station of Meerut 1862
Access StatusOpen


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