Description | Secretary Madras Corresponding Committee Jan 1856 - Dec 1861, Jun 1866 - Jun 1871 /1-795 Correspondence and papers 1856-1861, 1866-1871 including: /3 Madras Auxiliary Bible Society: minutes relating to standard Tamil Bible 1856; /29A [first part of letter missing] 1856; /47 Report on government grants-in-aid by Director of Public Instruction 1856; /64 Letter of thanks from P. Soobramani Pillay 1856; /65,81 Letters including application from William Edward Jellicoe 1856; /83 Application from A. Younker 1856; /85 Petition from Madras Corresponding Committee to governor against provision of railway trains on Sundays to take worshippers to Hindu festivals at Trivelloor and Trittany [printed] 1857; /86 South India missions: statistics 1856; /88 Private letter with report relating to Tinnevelly mission 1857; /93 Statements by Muthiyapilly and Dhanakody Rajah, Christian converts at Palamcotta, giving testimonies 1857; /97 University of Madras: minutes of first meeting of Senate 1857; /102 Account by Rev. E. Sargent of conversions of Dhanakody Rajah, Manakavalaperumal Pillay and Matthinpillay, Palamcottah Institution 1857; /103 Statement of Manakavalaperum Pillay 1857; /114 University of Madras: notice relating to first entrance examination [printed] 1857; /132 Letters from Lieut. F. T. Haig urging mission to the Koi people and Telegu county offering to go as a lay missionary 1857; /141 Training Institution Palamcotta examination report 1857; /146 Relating to death of Rev. C. Every 1857; /151 Church Mission Chapel Association: second report [printed] 1857 [Royston minister of the chapel]; /156 Papers relating to Coorg mission established 1853 by Rev. H. Moegling 1857; /157 Letters from F. Haig 1857; /161 Finance sub-committee: report 1857; /183 Relating to importance of educating the young as a means of evangelism: by H. Dixon, Tinnevelly Preperandi Institution 1857; /187 Relating to bungalow at Mundakayum including plans and elevation 1857; /202 Statistics for 1857; /208 Relating to Ramaswawmy Naick, pupil at Srivilliputtur school 1858; /245 Papers relating to allegations by Rev. R. H. Vickers against Rev. J. Peet 1858; /265 Ootacamund missionary conference: report [printed] 1858; /277 Papers relating to Trichur mission 1858; /278 MS petition from Trichur congregation against allegations by Rev. T. Whitehouse relating to pastors 1858; /279 Petition from parents and family of Annamah, wife of Patrose, member of Rev. T. Whitehouse congregation 1858;
/299-304 Relating to ordination candidates 1857: /299 Samuel, schoolmaster at Suviseshapuram 1857; /300 Gabriel, Michael Pillay and Royappa Pillay, all Nallur district 1857; /301 [Abraham] Isaac of Paneivilei 1857; /302 [John] Nullathambi of Pannikullam 1857; /303 Vethanayagum Devanayagam and Joseph Cornelius of Tinnevelly 1857; /304 W. T. Sattanadhan, Tinnevelly 1857;
/306 Church mission chapel association: third report [printed] 1858; /312 Papers relating to and testimonial for R. Hawkins, clerk in CMS Madras office 1859; /319 Srivilliputtur school: report 1858; /320 Trichur mission report 1858; /322,328 Includes reference to illness of Rev. A. Younker 1850; /327 Correspondence with bishop of Madras relating to proceedings of Madras Corresponding Committee relating to Rev. J. B.Rodgers 1858; /341 Petition and correspondence relating to proposal to build new central church in Black Town Madras [printed] 1859; /400 Includes obituary for Rev. Paul Daniel, Tinnevelly [printed] 1860; /409 Relating to headmastership of Anglo-Vernacular School, Tuticorin and proposed establishment of Training Institution in Madras [printed] 1860; /418 Memorandum relating to secretaryship of Corresponding Committee 1861; /420 Comparative statement of prices at Madras of rice, sugar, milk, meat, bread etc. for 1835, 1840, 1845, 1850, 1855, 1860 showing percentage increase; /426 Rules for management of Cottayam Press 1861; /428 Account by Rev. J. E. Sharkey of visit to festival in honour of Rama at Bhadiachalam, also includes reference to Kois 1861; /429 Report of meeting at Palamcotta relating to revision of Tamil New Testament [printed] 1861; /439,442 Relating to Peter Cator's Prize Fund 1861; /440 Statement of catechists and readers in South India mission 1861; /451 Nallur district: rules for the Western (or Eastern) Association for General Purposes of Benevolence 1861; /462 Relating to death of Rev. Henry Baker senior 1866; /463 Relating to endowment funds of Travancore congregation 1866; /476 Memorandum by Rev. Henry Baker junior relating to Munro Island, CMS property and native church funds in Travancore 1866; /480 Statement by Rev. A. H. Arden relating to legal proceedings connected with case of Brahmin convert Orugunty Sivaramayya and his wife 1866; /481 Correspondence relating to E. E. Perrett, Cottayam 1866; /482 Correspondence relating to Mr. [T.] Lane 1866; /485 Madras government, Educational department: proceedings relating to new code for educational grants-in-aid [printed] 1866; /490 Relating to proposed Madras church fund, including new Bombay regulations for vernacular schools 1866; /491 Tabular statement of 'Endwoment and Native Church Funds' 1866; /512 From William P. Schaffter relating to family matters after father's death 1867; /514 Peter Cator Prizes: marks of candidates and newspaper reports with exam questions 1867; /516 Replies from European widows relating to financial circumstances 1867; /518 Madras Native Church Fund: circular [printed] 1867; /535 Dohnavur district Native Society: annual report 1867; /557A-B Letter from Arbuthnot & Co. with private letter from Royston relating to transfer of CMS account from Arbuthnot to Bank of Madras 1867; /551 Papers relating to Bishop Corrie's Grammar School 1864 (sic); /553 Madras Government Educational Department: report on operation of revised rules for grants-in-aid [printed] 1867; /558 Appeal from Indian clergy for increase in salaries: signed by J. Tharien, G. Curian, K. Koshi, K. Kuruwella, K. Jaco, I. Eapen and J. Joseph 1867; /561 Statistical returns for all districts for 1867; /567 Indent for articles for Cottayam Press 1868; /570 Palamcottah Preperandi Institution: report for 1867; /571 Cambridge Nicholson Institution: rules [printed] 1867; /577 Machilipatnam ('Masulipatam'): CMS Vernacular Boys' School: inspector's report 1867; /588-590 Autobiographies of catechists 1868; /588 Isaac Samuel, Palamcottah district; /589 Abraham Rasanthiram, Paneivilei district; /590 Daniel Rasanthiram Paneivilei district; /591 Report of sub-committee appointed by syndicate to consider a letter to the Bombay government from Sir A. Grant relating to comparison of University examination standards [printed] 1867; /604-606 Includes reference to P. Virghese, ordination candidate 1868; /608 Relating to Rajahmundry mission 1868; /609 Autobiography of Cherian Itty and [K.] Karatha, ordination candidates 1868; /622 Native Pastors Endowment Fund: financial statement 1868; /640 Relating to purchase of bungalow on the Pulney Hills 1869; /656 Relating to land at Palamcotta bought with Sarah Tucker bequest 1869; /657 Relating to election and setting up of Palamcottah Native Church Council 1869; /665 'Tinnevelly and the Tinnevelly mission': a lecture delivered before the Native Christian Literary Society by Rev. R. Caldwell [printed: 20pp.] 1869 [Foster Press Vepery]; /680 Letter from A. H. Lash, Palamcotta 1869; /686 Account of floods at Palamcotta by E. Sargent 1869; /690,697 Papers relating to Rev. Arthur Theophilus 1869; /723 Chaplains: rules for examination in native languages [printed] 1870; /724 Outlines of courses in Tamil, Hindustani and Malayalam exams for CMS missionaries [printed] 1852, 1855, 1864; /729 Tuckerammalpuram: report on village 1870; /752 Cottayam: syllabus for CM School 1870; /753 Account of baptism by Rev. W. T. Sattianadhan at John Pereira's church of three adults: reprinted from Madras Observer [printed] 1870; /755B Medical certificate: P. S. Royston 1870; /759 Includes from Mrs. Anna Sattianadhan relating to girls' school at Chintadrepettah 1870; /786 Madras government, Public department: announcement of measures for promotion of popular education [printed] 1871 |