
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/B/OMS/I9
Title'Telegu Mission' later 'Dornakal Mission'
Extent3 volumes, 2 boxes
DescriptionRecords of the 'Telegu' (Dornakal) Mission compiled by the committees of the CMS Overseas Division, London up to 1934.

Comprising papers under the West Asia (Group 2) Committee. Including incoming correspondence from the mission to CMS in London 1924-1934, outgoing correspondence from the CMS in London to the mission 1924-1934, and office summaries (précis) of the incoming correspondence 1924-1934.

Papers of the Telegu Mission under the West Asia and Asia committees for the years 1935-1959 are catalogued separately. Details are given below under ‘Finding Aids’.
NotesWhen the catalogue was created, names of mission stations were standardised but there was no attempt to give present-day place names where these differ from place names in the records. The bulk of names in the sub-number references are the spellings used in the documents.

Work is underway to address outdated, discriminatory, and offensive language in finding aids used by the Cadbury Research Library, and to improve accessibility of the online catalogue in line with current standards including adding present-day place names standardised according to 'The Times Atlas of the World', comprehensive edition, 2023. Copies of the original catalogues have been retained as a record.
ArrangementThe papers are arranged as:

L: Letter-books 1924-1934 (outgoing)
O: Original papers 1924-1934 (incoming)
P: Précis books 1924-1934 (incoming: summaries)
Finding AidsClick on the Finding Number to display the full online catalogue of the Overseas Division mission series up to 1934, including the lower level entries for the Telegu (Dornakal) Mission. Alternatively, the original paper catalogues for the mission series can be consulted in the Cadbury Research Library and CMS (Oxford). The Telegu Mission series 1924-1934 are listed in the ‘West Asia (Group 2) Missions’ catalogue, volume three: South India.

The ‘Catalogue to the Papers of the Overseas Division’, which includes a listing of the mission series 1935-1959, is not available online. A paper copy of the catalogue is available to view in the Cadbury Research Library and CMS (Oxford). Copies can also be supplied on request (email:
Access StatusOpen
Physical DescriptionThe incoming papers are each individually marked in red ink, and this number, plus the year, comprised the original archive reference for each item, for example, G2 I9/1931/6. When the records were transferred to the University of Birmingham and the online copy of the catalogue was created the archive finding numbers for the records of the Overseas Division were extended: the letters CMS/B/OMS were added at the beginning of the original filing numbers (denoting records of the Church Mission Society Archive: Overseas Division: Overseas Mission Series). In addition, for the papers under the West Asia (Group 2) Committee, a letter denoting the type of record (O for Original papers or L for Letter-book, etc) was added after the mission reference, for example, CMS/B/OMS/G2 I9/O 1931/6.
Administrative HistoryCMS mission in South India began in Chennai ('Madras') in 1814. CMS work across South India was run by the 'Madras Corresponding Committee' until 1881 when the 'Travancore and Cochin Mission' was set up as an autonomous administrative unit. In 1924, the work of CMS in South India was further divided as two new independent missions were created: 'Telegu Mission' and 'Tinnevelly Mission'.

On 30 July 1924, the Standing Committee of Dornakal Diocesan Council made the 'Kistna Administrative Committee' responsible for the work of the 'Telegu Church Council' and 'Khammamett Church Council', including the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society's work in Dornakal Diocese.

Main stations of the 'Telegu Mission' (listed below by start date):
1841 'Masulipatam' [Machilipatnam]
1854 'Ellore'
1858 'Bezwada' [Vijayawada]
1888 'Khammamett'

CMS work at 'Dummagudem' amongst the 'Koi' peoples which had begun in 1860 was transferred to CMS Australia in 1924.
Archival NoteCatalogued by Rosemary A. Keen, CMS 1985-1986. Copied to the University of Birmingham online archive catalogue by L. Needham, 2000. Revisions underway by I. Frlan, Cadbury Research Library, 2024.
Related MaterialRecords of the CMS Overseas Division: 'South India Mission' series (CMS/B/OMS/I2); Telegu (Dornakal) missions series 1935-1959 (CMS/B/AS35-59/G2 I9).


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