
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/G/AC 3/1/137
TitleLetter from Josiah Pratt, London, to Reverend J. Jaenicke
Extent1 item
DescriptionDated 11 October. In answer to Renner's translation of Reverend Pratt's letter 30 August. Mentions arrangements for drawing on CMS grants. Is pleased with account of students and Mr Vinsh, their Arabic teacher. Committee wishes printing of the Luther St Matthew catechism at its expense, for the sum of £3 mentioned by Jaenicke. Professor Carlyle, formerly chaplain to Lord Elgin at Constantinople, has design for printing Arabic Bible in one quarto volume. Has sent Susu tracts and distributed Jaenicke's portrait as desired. Is glad that students can be ordained in East Friesland and proposes sending over Renner and Hartwig for that purpose. Would be glad to hear of experienced and devoted Lutheran minister to act as head of Lutheran mission in Susu country; is sending book on Sierra Leone and the neighbourhood; has received translation of account of expenses from Renner. (copy) [Sent open with Pratt's letter to Stracke of the same date CMS/G/AC 3/1/137a].
Access StatusOpen


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