
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/G/C 1/100
TitleCommittee minutes, volume 100, 12 June 1940-30 April 1942
Extent1 volume
DescriptionThe Executive Committee minutes 25 September 1940, 11 December 1940 and 15 January 1941, record bomb damage to CMS premises including, Foxbury; the CMS Depot at 33 Park Street, Bristol, and C[hurch] M[issionary] House. Also including:
pp 9-15 typescript memorandum by the India Secretary entitled, 'The Christian Colleges in India. A Symposium.' including a list of CMS colleges in India giving name of college, location, number of staff and funding; also including a list of Union Colleges in which CMS co-operated, Executive Committee 12 June 1940;
pp 38-39 typescript memorandum further to a meeting of The Church Mission to Jews, the Colonial and Continental Church Society, CEZMS, SAMS [South American Missionary Society] and CMS, entitled 'Co-operation among Evangelical Missionary Societies of the Church of England', dated June 1940, pasted in with the Executive Committee minutes 10 July 1940;
p 131 death of Georgina Gollock (30 November 1940) who, when appointed to the Editorial Department in 1890, was the first woman to hold a post on the CMS Headquarters staff, General Committee 17 December 1940;
pp 278-279 proposals regarding a Federation of Evangelical Societies in which other organisations would become auxiliaries of the CMS, Executive Committee 9 July 1941;
pp 325-224 typescript report by W. Wilson Cash, in which he reflects on CMS policy during his 16 years as General Secretary, Executive Committee 15 October 1941;
pp 389-390 typescript memorandum on 'The Post of Woman Secretary', Executive Committee 15 October 1941;
pp 452-453 minute on the impending retirement of Most Rev[erend] Cosmo Gordon Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury, CMS Vice Patron, outlining his long relationship with the CMS, Executive Committee 11 March 1942
Access StatusOpen


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