
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/G/C 1/5
TitleCommittee minutes, volume 5, 11 September 1820-17 June 1822
Extent1 volume
Descriptionp 259 verdict of manslaughter against Mr Randle, Committee of Correspondence 11 June 1821;
p 518 Rev[erend] Samuel Marsden advises of a shipment of 100 tons of oil on account of the Society on board the 'Mary', Committee of Accounts 28 January 1822;
p 504 appointment of a Select Committee to consider the relations between the Bishop of Calcutta and English clergymen, General Committee 25 February 1822;
p 523 minutes of the Select Committee appointed 25 February 1822, 9 March 1822;
p 533 minutes of a sub-committee to consider the Society's stance on Christians and the Indian caste system, 18 March 1822
Access ConditionsA microfilm or digital surrogate is made available in place of the original.
Access StatusOpen, but subject to some access restrictions


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