
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/ACC1034 F4
TitlePersonal letters from S. A. Morrison, M. A. Morrison and J. Morrison, 1934-1952
Extent122 items
DescriptionFamily correspondence, dated 2 July 1934-13 July [19]52, written during the Morrisons' final years with the Church Mission Society. Including letters from their last months in Cairo with the CMS Egypt Mission 1933-October 1951 and during Stanley's secondment as Executive Secretary of the Committee for Refugee Work, Beirut, Lebanon, November 1951-July 1952.

The majority of letters are from Stanley writing from Cairo or Beirut to his father [Hugh Morrison] or one or other of his sisters, Kathleen and Nora, back in England. There are also a few letters which Stanley wrote from England, India, America, Italy and Paris, seven letters from Margaret to Kathleen and/or Nora, and a lavishly illustrated letter from 8 year-old Joan Morrison to her grandfather [Hugh Morrison].

Including (incomplete list):
/letter to father from Stanley, 'Alouette', Victoria Street, Birmingham, [England]. 7 August 1937
/letter to father from Stanley, CMS Bombay. 2 December 1938
/letters to Kathleen, to father and to Nora, from Stanley, writing on letterheaded paper of the World Missionary Conference 1938, Tambaram, Chingleput Dist, S. India. 13 December 1938-29 December 1938 (4 items)
/letter to ‘My darling Grandpa’ from Joan M. Morrison, Pyramid House, Zamalek, Cairo: sends thanks for her birthday and Christmas present. 8 February [19]42.
/letter to father from Stanley, Pyramid House, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt: annotated in blue ink 'No. 76' and 11/3/43: he sends a Circular Letter and news of his activities including attending a meeting for A. R. P. wardens [Air Raid Precaution wardens]: 'before long others may be added to our numbers ie people conscripted under the National Service Act.'; the death of Bishop Graham Brown in a motor accident has come as a 'grievious blow'. 27 November [19]42.
/letter to Kathleen from Stanley, Hartford, Connecticut, [USA]: he is attending a Conference of Outgoing Missionaries. 13 June [19]47
/letter to Nora From Stanley whilst attending conferences in Beirut: he arrived in Beirut 26 April; on the Tuesday before the start of the conference delegates divided into groups and visited different refugee camps. 6 May 1951
/letter to Kathleen from Stanley, Pyramid House, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt: ‘I have been asked whether I would consent to act as secretary of the Committee for co-ordinating work among the refugees in the Near East.’ 27 May 1951
/letter to Nora from Stanley, Pyramid House, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt: Robert Mackie of the Refugee Dept of the WCC [World Council of Churches] has written to CMS asking if Stanley can be seconded for two years to the post of Executive Secretary of the Committee on Refugee Work in the Near East. 3 June 1951
/letter to 'Both of you', from Margaret, Pyramid House, Zamalek, Cairo. 8 July [19]51
/letter to Kathleen from Stanley, Pyramid House, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt: has had an official offer from the Inter-Church Aid and Service to Refugees Department of the WCC [World Council of Churches] to take up the post of Executive Secretary of the UMC Committee [United Missionary Council Committee] on Refugees. 24 July 1951
/letter to Kathleen from Stanley, No 10, Finchley Rd, NW8, [England]. 28 July [19]51
/letter to Kathleen from Stanley, Martin Croft, Colwell, [England]. 28 July [19]51
/letter to Kathleen and Nora from Stanley, Hotel ?Genova, Rome. 28 July [19]51
/letter to Kathleen and Nora from Stanley, Pyramid House, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt: he is going to Beirut on 12 October; he will go alone at first [without Margaret] and is to return for a week in Cairo before going back again to Beirut. 3 October 1951
/letter to Kathleen from Margaret, Pyramid House, Zamalek, Cairo. 28 October [19]51
/letter to Kathleen from Margaret, Amman. 16 December [19]51
/letter to Kathleen and Nora from Margaret, 237, Rue Georges Picot, Beirut. 30 December [19]51
/letter to Kathleen from Stanley, Hotel Malakoff, 3 Avenue Raymond Poincare, Paris 16e. 3 January 1952
/letter to Kathleen from Stanley, PO Box 235, Beirut, Lebanon: on Wednesday he was invited to a tea party at the Coptic School for Blind Girls’ at Boulac to meet Miss Helen Keller; he had met Keller in New York in 1947 but enjoyed seeing her and Polly Thompson again; Keller and Thompson are visiting Beirut again this week. 27 April 1952
[Helen Addams Keller, 1880-1968, educator, activist, author. Source: Helen Keller Biography. American Foundation for the Blind. Available online at (accessed 15 March 2022)]
/letter to Kathleen from Margaret, 237, Rue Georges Picot, Beirut, Lebanon. 20 June [19]52
/letter to Nora from Margaret, POB 2100, Beirut, Lebanon. 16 December [19]52
/letter to Kathleen from Margaret, 237, Rue Georges Picot, Beirut, Lebanon. 17 December [19]52
/letter to father from Stanley, Pyramid House, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt: annotated in blue ink 'No. 75 (Air Mail)' and '11/3/43': sends a copy of the first series of this year's lectures [not present]. Undated [c 1942] [CLOSED].
ArrangementThe letters have been arranged in chronological order; an undated item is listed at the end of the sequence.
Access ConditionsOne item contains sensitive personal data about an individual who may still be alive. This item has been closed in line with Data Protection legislation and is packaged separately.
Access StatusPartially closed
Closed Until01/01/2043
Physical DescriptionSome edges are torn and the letters heavily creased.

A few of the letters are numbered in ink at the top of the first page. For example, 'No. 36 (Ordinary)'. S. A. Morrison and his family appear to have numbered some of their letters when they were writing to each other and there are occasional references to these numbers within the on-going correspondence. This numbering applies to only a few items in the collection and it has not been possible to use it to assist in the arrangement of the papers.

Prior to deposit in the Cadbury Research Library, all but two of the letters were annotated in pencil in the top right-hand comer with the numbers 30, 36-155. This numbering should not be used when citing or requesting items for consultation.


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