
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/ACC281 Z1
TitlePhotographs taken in China: people, places, dress, occupations and social customs
Extent32 items (outsize)
Datec 1894-c 1930
DescriptionNinety-two photographs mounted on 32 sheets of card. Places include: Ponasang, Jianning [historical term used in the record: Kienning], Kushan, Nangtai, and Fuzhou [historical term used in the record: Foochow].

Photographs illustrating dress, hair styles, and social customs:
/2, 3, 6, 7, 27
/3, 8, 19, 28, 29 memorial shrines, arches, pagodas, coffin houses, mandarins' graves and mourning signs
/3, 21, 28, 30, 31 statues and idols.

Photographs of people at work:
/4, 6: labourers and women carrying feed, stones, wood, earth and water (six photographs)
/9: carpenter; wayside cook; woman spinning; girls weaving cloth (four photographs)
/11: men writing
/15: grinding and winnowing grain; drying vermicelli
/17: making cotton and wool quilts
/20: ploughing with a bullock; threshing grain; preparing a paddy field
/26: drying tea in temple grounds; cotton pedlar with wares; wayside cook with implements; open-air cake shop with boy cooking
/27: itinerant barber; working irrigation wheels for paddy fields; drawing water

Other photographs:
/1: buffalo
/2: bound feet
/5: Ponasang Hospital: group of students with Dr and Mrs Kinnear
/8: Kushan monastery; paddy field and fish pond, with Buddhist temple in background
/10: junks on Min river; Woger channel and Min river with house boat, sampans and junks
/11: two thieves inside 'kangs' [type of stocks];
/12, 24: photographs of school children, Ponasang, American Board Mission (/12 taken by Dr Kinnear)
/13: CMS Sanatorium, Sharp Peak
/14: Fuzhou theological college; mission house; residence and archdeacon's house
/16: bridge; Fuzhou; boats by Min riverbank with teashop and warehouse
/18: view of Ponasang; view of 'Nangtai'
/22: dragon boat; Kushan monastery's bamboo grove; mouth of Min river; Fuzhou plain with canals
/23: Kushan monastery (Drum Mountain)
/24: Rev S. Nightingale and Deng mu su, pastor, 'Hing-hwa' [c 1920-1929]; group of church catechists, including Lie Ling Saing, Dr Pakenham's teacher, 1894 [taken at Jianning: see ACC256 Z1/66];
/25: 'Mrs Kinnear being carried in a foreigner's sedan chair'
/32: Rev J. S. Collins and family [pre-1897]; the Kucheng martyrs' graves
LocationCMS clamshell box shelves: 39/F/1 (large clamshell)
Access StatusOpen
CopiesSome of the photographs from this album were digitized by Cadbury Research Library for an online Flickr exhibition featuring photographs from the CMS archive. 'Turn of the century China: an exhibition of late 19th, and early 20th, century photographs' available online at (Cadbury Research Library, 2014). Selected photographs from this album are to feature in the Historical Photographs of China project and will be available online at (ref: CL02).
Related MaterialSome photographs are duplicates of photos in ACC256 Z1-2.


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