
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/ACC380
TitleAccession 380: Papers of Rev. William Dermot Kerr
Extent15 vols, 12 files
DescriptionThis collection consists of a set of diaries written sporadically by Rev. Kerr between 1935 and 1950, letters to and from family members, articles and circular letters and other miscellaneous printed papers. There is also a large collection of photographs, both in albums and loose, mainly of areas in and around Sudan where he worked but also recording visits to the Middle East, Kenya and Uganda.
ArrangementThis collection forms part of the Church Mission Society Unofficial Papers. It is arranged into two series: Family Papers and Miscellaneous Papers (with one sub-series)
Access ConditionsTwo folders of correspondence in CMS/ACC380 F2 are closed
Finding AidsA catalogue of this collection (forming part of the wider CMS/ACC unofficial papers catalogue) is available on the online archive catalogue. Click on the Finding Number to display the summary contents list of the catalogue and to view the full catalogue. A paper copy of this catalogue is also available for consultation at Special Collections.
Access StatusPartially closed
Administrative HistoryRev. William Dermot Kerr (1907-1975) worked as a CMS missionary in Sudan from 1935 to 1953. He was one of the pioneer four to be stationed in the Nuba Mountains area between 1935 and 1939, the others being Dr Elfrida Whidbourne, Sister Kay Quinlan and Reginald Evan Hopkins. During his career he was stationed at the following locations:
1935 Dilling, Northern Sudan
1936-1939 Salara (Dilling)
1940-1945 Kajo Kaji, Southern Sudan
1946-1947 Juba
1948-1951 Yei (Mundri)
1952-1953 Mundri (Divinity School).
He married twice, firstly Miss Eunice Mott in 1938 and then Miss Monica McClintock in 1952. Although he resigned in 1953, in 1965 he was appointed Deanery Secretary.
Source: Information supplied by CMS Archivist
Custodial HistoryDeposited with the CMS in November 1977 and transferred to the Special Collections Department in July 2003
Related MaterialThe Special Collections Department holds the Church Mission Society Archive, the official archive of the society (GB 0150 CMS), which includes papers relating to William Kerr's service as a CMS missionary.


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