
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/ACC456
TitleAccession 456: Papers of Dr John H. Lechler
Extent3 files, 12 items
Datec 1900-1977
DescriptionThis is a collection of documents relating to the history of the West China mission and diocese, written or collected by Dr John H. Lechler, CMS medical missionary 1908-1938.
ArrangementThis collection forms part of the Church Missionary Society Unofficial Papers. It is arranged into one series: Miscellaneous Papers
Finding AidsA catalogue of this collection (forming part of the wider CMS/ACC unofficial papers catalogue) is available on the online archive catalogue. Click on the Finding Number to display the summary contents list of the catalogue and to view the full catalogue. A paper copy of this catalogue is also available for consultation at Special Collections.
Access StatusOpen
Administrative HistoryJohn Howard Lechler (1883-1977) MD, FRCS (Edinburgh), grandson of missionaries who served with CMS and the London Missionary Society was born in India. From the age of seven, he was educated in England at Mount Radford School, Exeter and St Lawrence College, Ramsgate. He qualified as a doctor in 1907 from Edinburgh University and in the same year was accepted by CMS as a medical missionary and, after 6 months missionary training, was sent to the West China Mission. In 1915 he returned to England to enlist for war service with R.A.M.C. but returned to China in 1922. In 1937 he was appointed to Changtu Union Christian University in charge of surgical work. He resigned in 1938 on appointment to the Edinburgh Medical Board and became Secretary to the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society during the Second World War. After the war, Dr and Mrs Lechler went out to India to serve for a time with the Dr Graham's Homes in Kalimpong.
Sources: Register of missionaries (Men 1908-1910) (List I 1830); obituary from the magazine of Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society (n.d.) (CMS/ACC456/Z5/5); 'Reminscences'
Custodial HistoryDeposited with the CMS in November 1980 and transferred to the Special Collections Department in July 2003
Related MaterialThe Special Collections Department holds the Church Missionary Society Archive, the official archive of the society (GB 0150 CMS), which includes papers relating to Dr Lechler's missionary work


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