Description | Correspondence from Walter Alford [American press representative?].
1/ Transcript of a letter from Walter Alford, The Playwrights' Company, 745 Fifth Avenue, New York..22, N.Y. to Noël Coward, dated 1st May 1959. Expresses gratitude and offers personal thoughts to a written version of Noël Coward's play 'Waiting in the Wings' received from Charles Russell. Suggesting cast members such as Maureen Delany, Eva la Gallienne and Helen Hayes, along with a mention of Hayes's agent 'Lucy Kroll.' Comparisons are drawn with Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman's play 'Stage Door' Mentions a 'project' to honour Alfred Lunt and Lynn [Fontanne] with honorary degrees through Benoit College, Wisconsin, suggested by John Kemler. Mentions Richard Aldrich and praises 'Gertie's' performance in 'Pygmalion' and 'My Fair Lady.' |