
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)DA21/1/1/7/1
Title'The Origin of the Prologue to St John's Gospel'
Extent40 items
DescriptionFile of letters, cuttings, and notes mainly relating to 'The Origin of the Prologue to St John's Gospel' with some material relating to 'Testimonies' and 'The Origin of the Doctrine of the Trinity.'

/1 Cutting announcing the publication of 'Testimonies' and 'The Origin of the Prologue to St John's Gospel', 1916;
/2 Letter to James Rendel Harris from Duncan B Macdonald [Hartford Theological Seminary, Connecticut, USA], 1917;
/3 Letter to James Rendel Harris from W Meyer [Holland], Latin, nd;
/4-/8 Cuttings - reviews of 'The Origin of the Doctrine of the Trinity', 1919-1920;
/9 Letter to James Rendel Harris from William Charles Braithwaite [President, Woodbrooke Council, barrister and Biblical scholar], 1921;
/10 Note by James Rendel Harris re Sophia and Gnosticism, nd;
/11-/14 Cuttings - reviews of 'The Origin of the Prologue to St John's Gospel', French, Dutch, and English, 1917-1918;
/15 Letter to James Rendel Harris from Thomas Herbert Bindley [theologian and Rector of Denton, Norfolk], 1917;
/16 Letter to James Rendel Harris from John William Graham [Quaker scholar, Woodbrooke Fellow, and Principal of Dalton Hall, Manchester], 1917;
/17 Letter to James Rendel Harris from James Hamlyn Hill [Biblical scholar], 1895;
/18 Cutting - review of 'The Origin of the Prologue to St John's Gospel', 1917;
/19-/20 Letters to James Rendel Harris from KM Emery, 1917;
/21 Postcard to James Rendel Harris from Vacher Burch [Woodbrooke student and co-author of Testimonies], 1920;
/22-/35 Notes, some made by James Rendel Harris, of quotations from the Bible and other texts, Greek and Latin, nd;
/36-/37 Letters to James Rendel Harris from Laurence William Grensted [University College, Oxford], 1924;
/38 Cutting - review of 'The Origin of the Doctrine of the Trinity', 1919;
/39 Letter to James Rendel Harris from Professor J Hugh Michael [Associate Professor of New Testament Exegesis, Victoria College, Toronto], 1917;
/40 Copy of letter from James Rendel Harris to Professor J Hugh Michael, 1918.
ArrangementOriginal order
Ancient Greek
Access StatusOpen


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