
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)DA29/1/9
TitleFamily and personal correspondence whilst Lesslie Newbigin was Associate General Secretary of the World Council of Churches
Extent157 items
DescriptionCorrespondence and copy correspondence of Lesslie Newbigin, printed material including circular correspondence, photocopies and associated papers originating from Newbigin's period in office as Associate General Sec of the World Council of Churches (WCC), and his resignation from the WCC on his appointment to the Bishopric of Madras in 1965. The correspondence relates to personal matters, including the affairs of personal associates and professional colleagues, and also to the professional responsibilities of Newbigin.

Correspondents include family members and professional colleagues from throughout the world including WCC personnel, Church of South India (CSI) associates, and representatives of missionary organisations.


/1-42 Correspondence to Newbigin on his appointment to the Bishopric of Madras, 1964-1965
ArrangementThe correspondence is arranged in reverse chronological order, as found
Access StatusOpen


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