
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)DA66/1/3/2/4
TitleCorrespondence with Cadbury family and with Maurice Canney
Extent53 items
Description/1 Draft letter from Mingana to Edward Cadbury, written at the Victoria Hotel, Cairo, Egypt, describing his manuscript collecting, 1929; /2-/12 Correspondence between Mingana and Edward Cadbury, 1926-1935; /13-/17 Correspondence between Henry Cadbury and Mingana: Cadbury asks Mingana to suggest a subject for a Phd thesis and arranges for him to meet a student in Cambridge, 1933-1934; /18-/20 Correspondence between WA Cadbury and Mingana: Cadbury asks Mingana to give a tour of his Collection to Mr Walker, and to look at an Eastern manuscript owned by Mr Walker, 1932; /21-/53 Letters from Mingana to Maurice Canney, a couple from Canney to Mingana, mainly personal and family news, 1932-1935.
ArrangementThe original labelling on the boxes suggests that they are a single series, which was meant to be filed in alphabetical order. This order is not completely accurate; there is more than one group of papers for some letters of the alphabet, and some correspondence has not been filed in the alphabetical sequence. The papers have been listed in their original order and the letter of the alphabet they belong to has been noted where possible.
Access StatusOpen


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