Description | /1 Draft letter from Mingana to Edward Cadbury, written at the Victoria Hotel, Cairo, Egypt, describing his manuscript collecting, 1929; /2-/12 Correspondence between Mingana and Edward Cadbury, 1926-1935; /13-/17 Correspondence between Henry Cadbury and Mingana: Cadbury asks Mingana to suggest a subject for a Phd thesis and arranges for him to meet a student in Cambridge, 1933-1934; /18-/20 Correspondence between WA Cadbury and Mingana: Cadbury asks Mingana to give a tour of his Collection to Mr Walker, and to look at an Eastern manuscript owned by Mr Walker, 1932; /21-/53 Letters from Mingana to Maurice Canney, a couple from Canney to Mingana, mainly personal and family news, 1932-1935. |