
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)GB
TitleGranville Bantock Collection
Extent579 items
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DescriptionOriginal autograph scores of most of Granville Bantock's compositions. The collection comprises choral music, 1900-1914, including music for solos, chorus and orchestra, part-songs and unison songs; music for solo voice, 1888-1946, with orchestra and piano and recitation music; dramatic music 1888-1921, including vocal dramatic music and dance, incidental music for plays; instrumental music, 1895-1920, including orchestral and chamber music, piano and other solos; miscellaneous manuscripts including unidentified pieces of music and sketches and fragments of work and sketches, 1888-1912; printed works including large numbers of short printed pieces, no dates.
ArrangementThe collection is arranged by music type in the following series: choral music; music for solo voice; dramatic music; instrumental music; miscellaneous manuscripts, printed works.

GB/1 Choral music:
GB/1/1 Solo(s), chorus and orchestra. Chorus and orchestra.
Unaccompanied choral works.
GB/1/2 Part-songs.
GB/1/3 Unison songs.

GB/2 Music for solo voice:
GB/2/1 Solo voice (s) and orchestra.
GB/2/2 Solo voice (s) and piano.
GB/2/3 Recitation music.

GB/3 Dramatic music:
GB/3/1 Vocal dramatic music. Dance.
GB/3/2 Incidental music for plays.

GB/4 Instrumental music:
GB/4/1 Orchestral music.
GB/4/2 Chamber music.
GB/4/3 Piano solos.
GB/4/4 Other solos.

GB/5 Miscellaneous.

GB/6 Printed works

Abbreviations used:
MS: Holograph manuscript.
SATB: Soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
Piano: Pianoforte.

The dates given represent the date when the manuscript copy was written, not necessarily the date of the original composition. The collection was originally numbered by the music library of the Barber Institute of Fine Arts. These numbers where known have been placed in square brackets, and appear in the 'notes field' as a Barber mss number.
Access ConditionsAccess to all registered researchers
Finding AidsA catalogue of this collection is available on the online archive catalogue. Click on the Finding Number to display the summary contents list of the catalogue and to view the full catalogue, or view the catalogue as a PDF file by clicking in the document field below. A paper copy is also available in the Cadbury Research Library: Special Collections Department.
Access StatusOpen
Administrative HistorySir Granville Ransome Bantock (1868-1946) was Edward Elgar's immediate successor to the Chair of Music at University of Birmingham in 1908. Before coming to Birmingham he was musical director at The Tower, New Brighton where he astonished the holiday-makers of Wallasey with avant-garde music and gave Sibelius his first English performances. There was a close friendship between Bantock and Elgar and Elgar recommended him for the post of first Principal of the Birmingham and Midland Institute's School of Music (now the Birmingham Conservatoire). Bantock was particularly interested in oriental themes; his masterpiece was a complete setting of The Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam. He was distinguished for his instrumental mastery and he brought a community of progressive musicians to Birmingham, including Delius, Holbrooke, Ernest Newman, Sibelius, Prokofiev.

Reference: Deposit file.
Custodial HistoryThis collection was formerly held in the Barber Music Library. Many of the items in the collection were originally given a Barber mss reference number but the collection was subsequently arranged, catalogued and renumbered in 1971. The former Barber mss numbers are still recorded, as appropriate, at file or item level in the 'notes field'.
AcquisitionThis collection was presented to University of Birmingham by Bantock's son.
Archival NoteThis collection level description is based on the record created by Caroline Hughes, Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick for the Archives HUB, a JISC-funded service. Amended December 2002
CopiesDigital copies of GB/4/1/6-15 on staff R drive
Related MaterialArchive collections relating to Granville Bantock, and held at the Cadbury Research Library, include:

Granville Bantock Collection. Finding Number: GB
Papers of Granville Bantock: MS140
Francis Brett Young Manuscript Collection. Finding Number: FBY
Letters Additional Collection: Late-19th Century - Mid-20th Century. Finding Number: Ladd
Raymond Bantock Collection. Finding Number: MS63
Josef Holbrooke Collection. Finding Number: MS79
Papers of Alphonse Mingana: Correspondence A-B. Finding Number: DA66/1/3/2/2
Papers of Sir Edward Elgar, Lady Caroline Alice Elgar and Carice Elgar Blake: Diaries of Sir Edward Elgar. Finding Number: EE
Papers of Christopher Evans: papers 1921-1975. Finding Number: CE
Papers of Herman Sutherland Bantock. Finding Number: MS33
Photographs and books of music presented by Miss Fiedler. Finding Number: MS787
Papers of Percy Young: Printed Copy of Granville Bantock's manuscript 'Pagan Symphony' orchestral score. Finding Number: MS860
Music Manuscripts Collection: Mozart's Don Giovanni notated by Granville Bantock. Finding Number: Music Ms 5040
Papers of Neville Chamberlain. Finding Number: NC
University Archives: Papers relating to war work of University of Birmingham staff, 1919-1920. Finding Number: UB/VP/2/1
Letters from Granville Bantock and Edward Elgar to Ernest Newman. Finding Number: MS182
Papers of Muriel Mann relating to Granville Bantock. Finding Number: MS1033
Associated MaterialsOther papers of Granville Bantock are held at the Worcestershire Archive Service.


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