
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)HT/B/13/11
TitleKitawala : Ursprung, Ausbreitung und Religion der Watch-Tower-Bewegung in Zentralafrika (von) Hans-Jurgen Greschat
Extent3 items
Description'Kitawala : Ursprung, Ausbreitung und Religion der Watch-Tower-Bewegung in Zentralafrika' (von) Hans-Jurgen Greschat : Place, Publisher and Date of Publication: Marburg, Elwert, 1967, xii, 126 p : Series: 'Marburger Theologische Studien'. No. 4 : not in English : there is also an English translation by Rev. R. Rivers, 1984 and also a roughly corrected version
AuthorGreschat, Hans-Jurgen
Access StatusOpen
Physical DescriptionPrinted Publication


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