
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)HT/B/58/27
TitleOn Isaiah Shembe and the Amanazarites (by) G. C. Oosthuizen
Extent1 item
DescriptionFrom 'The Scriptures of the AmaNazaretha of EKuphaKameni : Selected Writings of the Zulu Prophets Isaiah and Londa Shembe' Translated by Londa Shembe and Hans-Jurgen Becken : with an essay by G.C. Oosthuizen : edited by Irving Hexham : Place, Publisher and Date of Publication: Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 1993, p. 1-3 : unable to retrieve from the Web October 2008
AuthorOosthuizen, Gerhardus Cornelis
Access StatusOpen
Physical DescriptionPrinted from the Web


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