Description | Correspondence with Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson [Governor of Natal and Zululand, 1893-1901] Including /1-3 Correspondence [and copy correspondence] relating to annexation of Zululand to Natal, recommendations for honours, interview with Sir John Robinson [Premier of Natal, 1893-1897] and question of Natal/Cape Federation, Aug-Oct 1895; /9-14 Correspondence and copy correspondence relating to the Jameson Raid [relations between Dr Leander Starr Jameson and Cecil Rhodes, and arrangements for the movement of prisoners], a railway accident, relations between Germany and the South African Republic, and the question of Delagoa Bay, with envelope, Jan-Feb 1896; /25-26 Correspondence from Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson relating to the Transvaal and sentences issued to Raiders, May 1896; /28-30 Letter from Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson relating to rumoured attack by Boers in Zululand, with typescript copies of extract from correspondence of Sir Marshal Clarkes, Jun 1896; /34-36 Correspondence and copy correspondence relating to South African Customs Conference, with Colonial Office memoranda and Hutchinson's enclosed typescript memoranda, Sep-Oct 1896; /41-47 Correspondence from Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson relating to development of crisis in Transvaal [attacks by Boers on English, and vice versa, and Alien Immigration legislation], and possible appointment of Dr Leyds [South African Republic State Sec, 1893 and 1897; Minister Plenipotentiary, 1898-1902] to diplomatic post in Transvaal Government, with enclosed transcripts of extracts from correspondence by individuals resident in Johannesburg, and envelope, Dec 1896-Jan 1897; /48-52 Correspondence from Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson relating to declining health of Sir John Robinson, Alien Immgration legislation of Transvaal Government, and formation of new ministry, with printed draft of Alien Immigration Bill and wrappers, Jan-Feb 1897; /69-72 Correspondence from Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson relating to Maritzburg election, and formation of new Natal ministry and appointments, with typescript details of new minsters, press cuttings and wrapper, Sep-Oct 1897; /87-90 Correspondence from Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson relating to legislative reform [Cattle Stealing and Alien Immigration], with typescript transcripts of conversations with Col. Albert Henry Hime [Minister, Land, Works and Defence] and Sir Henry Binns [Prime Minister, Natal, 1897], Dec 1898; /101-108 Typescript correspondence from Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson relating to defence arrangements for Natal frontier [proposals of General Sir William Butler [Commander Troops, South Africa], the activities of the Special Service officers, and relations with the Natal Volunteers, with Government printed telegraphic communications, typescript copies of correspondence from Col. Chrisholme [Commanding Troops, Natal] to Hely-Hutchinson, and from Hely-Hutchinson to Sir Alfred Milner [1st Viscount Milner: Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, 1897-1901; High Commissioner for South Africa, 1897-1905], and wrapper, Jul-Jul 1899; /112-114 Correspondence and copy correspondence relating to development of military situation in region during Boer War including despatch of Indian troops and reinforcements, attitudes of Natal administration towards crisis, organisation of volunteer forces, despatches of troops to Martitzburg and Durban, details of battles, visit of Mrs Richard Chamberlain and Mrs E. Chamberlain [relatives of Joseph Chamberlain] to South Africa [possibly to work for Red Cross], alleged treachery of Dutch residents in colony, commendation of conduct of Winston Churchill, and possibility of his imprisonment by Boers, resistance to Boers, and preparations for relief of Ladysmith and Kimberley, with wrappers, Sep-Dec 1899 |