
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)MBS/1/OXF/60/4
TitleWalter Curson, esquire, in armour and wife, Isabel, circa 1540
Extent1 item
DescriptionRubbing of brass effigies known to have been an earlier engraving altered to suit the subjects of later date; incomplete marginal inscription in Latin with words interspersed with skull and crossbones; lion at the feet of the knight and dog at the feet of the lady; eight sons; four shields
Access StatusOpen
Physical DescriptionPaper, folded; yellowed, brittle and badly damaged; two torn pieces folded inside; male figure partially outlined with masking fluid
Dimensions: 260 x 99 cms
Custodial HistoryFormerly in the collection of Malcolm Norris; MBS 5591
Publication NoteThis brass is cited and described in Mill Stephenson, 'A List of Monumental Brasses in the British Isles' (1964): Waterperry II and in John Page-Phillips, 'Palimpsests The Backs of Monumental Brasses' (1980): 16 70 L1-L4


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