
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)MS111/78
Title'The Middleman' by Henry Arthur Jones
Extent1 item
Description'Programme for production of 'The Middleman'.

Performed at the Shaftesbury Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, [London] on 27 August 1889; musical director, Mr Edward Jones; directed by Mr Willard.

Cast: Mr Willard, Mr Mackintosh, Mr Esmond, Mr Cane, Mr Garden, Mr Watson, Mr Thomas, Mr Keith, Mr Crofton, Mr Sidney, Mr Rimbault, Mr Harting, Miss Millett, Miss Hughs Mrs Brooke, Miss Verity, Miss St Angie, Miss Moore.
Access StatusOpen
Custodial HistoryFormerly numbered 6415 in the Theatre Collection.


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