Description | Items /1-6 relate to University College Liverpool; items /7-11 relate to University of Birmingham; items /12-24 are congratulations sent to Oliver Lodge on his knighthood in 1902; items /25-60A are personalia, and items /61-74 are certificates and items of correspondence relating to honorary degrees and awards.
/1 Letter from Harmood Banner and Son to Oliver Lodge, written from 24 North John Street, Liverpool, dated 10 September 1883. Requesting financial information for the University College audit.
/2 Copy of circular letter from Oliver Lodge, written from University College Liverpool, dated 27 October 1885. Lodge sends a circular (not included) about Mr Ruskin's teaching and asks for the recipient's opinion. He hopes to collect statements from various prominent persons.
/3 Letter from Oliver Lodge [to unidentified recipient], dated 3 October 1886. Lodge discusses college account books and financial processes. Annotated with answers written in another hand, signed A. C. or A. L.
/4 Letter from H. S. Hele-Shaw [1854-1941, mechanical and automobile engineer] to Oliver Lodge, written from 27 Ullet Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool, dated 11 July 1895. Hele-Shaw points out that his salary has dropped more than Lodge's and advises Lodge to see how things go next year. He writes that there is no 'understanding'; 3rd year students are free to select the classes that suit them best. He responds to Lodge's suggestion regarding student fees. Enclosing graph relating to salaries, probably OJL/1/240/52.
/5 Letter from Harvey and Peak, Scientific Instrument Manufacturers and Electricians, to Oliver Lodge, written from 56 Charing Cross Road, London, dated 11 May 1892. Estimate for scientific equipment.
/6 [No document with this number]
/7 Typescript list of apparatus brought from Liverpool by Sir Oliver Lodge and apparatus purchased with College grant. With manuscript annotations. Undated.
/8 Typescript copy of minutes [c1900] relating to Lodge's appointment as Principal of University of Birmingham and proposed University structure. [Probably enclosed with OJL/1/240/10].
/9 Letter from T. Herbert Warren [1853-1930, college head and classical scholar] written from Magdalen College, Oxford, dated 8 February 1909. Warren makes arrangements regarding Churton Collins Memorial appeal. He praises Lodge's book 'Man and the Universe'.
/10 Letter from R. S. Heath to Oliver Lodge, written from Mason University College, Birmingham, dated 15 June 1900. Heath encloses a copy of Council resolutions relating to Lodge [probably OJL/1/240/8].
/11 Letter from R. S. Heath to Oliver Lodge, written from Mason University College, Birmingham, dated 5 June 1900. Heath discusses matters relating to the establishment of the University of Birmingham such as appointment of Professors and proposed administrative structure of the new University. He writes about plans to use a warehouse to house the laboratory and Principal's rooms.
/12 Letter from J. A. Ewing [1855-1935, engineer and cryptographer] to Oliver Lodge, written from Langdale Lodge, Cambridge, dated 26 June 1902. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/13 Letter from Aston Webb [1849-1930, architect] to Oliver Lodge, written from 1 Hanover Terrace, Ladbroke Square, dated 26 June 1902. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/14 Letter from Arthur Schuster [1851-1934, physicist] to Oliver Lodge, written from Victoria Park, Manchester, dated 25 June 1902. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/14a Postcard from H. F. Pelham [1846-1907, historian] to Oliver Lodge, written from Trinity College, Oxford, dated 26 June 1902. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/15 Postcard from Rushton Parker [1847-1932, surgeon] to Oliver Lodge, written from 137 Harley Street, London, postmarked 26 June 1902. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/16 Letter from C. V. Boys to Oliver Lodge, written from 66 Victoria Street, London, dated 26 June 1902. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/17 Letter from A. B. Macallum [1858-1934, biochemist] to Oliver Lodge, written from University of Toronto, dated 8 July 1902. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/18 Letter from [signature unidentified] to Oliver Lodge, written from Solihull, Birmingham, dated 26 June 1902. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/19 Incomplete letter from [?] to Oliver Lodge, written from Myrtle Cottage, Tintagel, Cornwall, dated 29 June 1902. First page only. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/20 Telegraph from [Baron] Kelvin [William Thomson, 1824-1907, mathematician and physicist] to Oliver Lodge, dated 26 June 1902. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/21 Telegraph from [James] Dewar [1842-1923, chemist and physicist] to Oliver Lodge, dated 26 June 1902. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/22 Telegraph from Donald Macalister [1854-1934, physician and medical administrator] to Oliver Lodge, dated 26 June 1902. Congratulating Lodge on his knighthood.
/23 Telegraph from Jesse Collings [1831-1920, politician] to Lady Oliver Lodge, dated 27 June 1902. Sending congratulations on Oliver Lodge's knighthood.
/24 Telegraph from Whitworth Wallis [1855-1927, museum and art gallery curator] to Oliver Lodge, dated 27 June 1902. Sending congratulations on Lodge's knighthood.
/25 Notes on corrections to an unspecified text. Undated.
/26 Notes on courtship of Mary Marshall (aka Mary Tomkinson), extracted from diary 6 January 1876 to 22 August 1877.
/27 Shorthand notes [on courtship of Mary Marshall aka Mary Tomkinson]. With envelope.
/28 Printed form with manuscript additions, containing information about Oliver Lodge's career for the International Who's Who (see OJL/1/240/29). Undated.
/29 Letter from Robert Wilberforce to Oliver Lodge, written from the League of Nations International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, Paris, France, undated. Wilberforce writes that Lodge has been selected for inclusion in the International Who's Who and asks him to complete the enclosed form (see OJL/1/240/28). With notes in shorthand on reverse.
/30 Rough notes regarding funeral arrangements [for unidentified individual], dated 29 October 1907.
/31 Letter from Thomas Sadleir (Deputy Ulster King of Arms) to Oliver Lodge, written from the Office of Arms, The Castle, Dublin, dated 14 February 1928. With envelope. Sadleir enquires about including Lodge's Arms and Crest in the Register of Knights.
/32 Part of Lodge family tree covering approximately 1725-1897. Includes Oliver Lodge's ancestors but not his children.
/33 Photograph of Brampton House [childhood home of Mary Lodge] sent by owners A. J. and J. Moss after reading Past Years. Dated 5 November 1932.
/34 Envelope containing 7 photographs of Oliver Lodge's hands in various poses, with card of thanks from Stanley Sutton (photographer).
/35 Receipt for Oliver Lodge's British Association subscription, dated 17 February 1875.
/36 Manuscript transcription of words of Sir William Ashley on confering Oliver Lodge's honorary Master of Arts degree, University of Birmingham, 5 July 1919.
/37 Envelope containing family items of Mary Lodge: grandfather Marshall's seal; father's bookplate (two copies); and great uncle Lieutenant F. Brodie's card.
/38 Fragmented notes, possibly for speeches. 10 pages.
/39 Manuscript poems with envelope. Annotation on last page reads: 'The pomes [sic] are strictly private. They are a soul of Corinthian efflorescence that will not stand the British climate'.
/40 Photograph of woman (seated) with boy and girl standing either side.
/41 Envelope labelled 'Powell' containing 5 photographs: one of man and four faded/over exposed.
/42 Pencil drawing of girl. With caption stating that it was drawn by a young lady for Mary when sitting on the beach.
/43 Envelope containing photograph of unnamed woman, photograph of abstract lines, and velvet ribbon attached to card with a decorative metal pin. The card is labelled 'from V'.
/44 New year card, blank.
/45 Christmas card: 'To Mary, With every good wish, Christmas 1878'. With envelope.
/46 Handmade birthday card 'To Papa' from Barbara.
/47 Handmade birthday card 'To Papa' from Rosalynde.
/48 Holiday address of George Penny written on scrap of paper.
/49 Name (Emory ? Lieut. Col. USA, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas) written on scrap of paper.
/50 Calling card of Mr M. Douglas Flattery.
/51 Envelope labelled 'Rayleigh gauzes etc' containing metal gauze and square of black cardboard.
/52 Graph with date on X-axis and £ on Y-axis, with lines plotted for Physics and Engineering. Probably a comparison of salaries, see OJL/1/240/4.
/53 Incomplete list of documents.
/54 List of miscellaneous items e.g. Looking glass, Candles, Mutton chop.
/55-56 Lines of poetry (?) written on small sheets of paper.
/57 Draft text for memorial stone to Mary F. A. Lodge and Oliver Lodge, to be placed at Wilsford Church.
/58 Small printed booklet: 'Mary F. A. Lodge. In Memoriam. By her husband'. c1929.
/59 Printed form from British Association meeting in Manchester 1887, Section H, Anthropometric Laboratory. With physical characteristics of Alfred Lodge filled in by hand.
/60 Printed form from British Association meeting in Manchester 1887, Section H, Anthropometric Laboratory. With physical characteristics of M.F.A.L. [Mary Lodge] filled in by hand.
/60A Letter from J. M. Dent & Sons to Miss Helen Alvey, written from Aldine House, 10-13 Bedford Street, London, dated 4 January 1935. They cannot supply two copies of 'Natural History of a Savant' as the book has been out of print for some years. With pencil annotation [by Oliver Lodge?]
/61 Letter from William B. Carpenter [1813-1885, biologist and university administrator], Registrar of University of London, to Oliver Lodge, written from University of London, Burlington Gardens, dated 10 July 1877. Informing Lodge that he has been awarded the Degree of Doctor of Science and inviting him to attend graduation ceremony.
/62 Letter from M. Foster [1836-1907, physiologist and politician], Secretary of the Royal Society, to Oliver Lodge, written from the Royal Society, Burlington House, dated 11 June 1887. Informing Lodge that he has been elected a fellow of the Royal Society.
/63 Letter from J. Maitland Anderson [1852-1927], Secretary, to Oliver Lodge, written from the University of St Andrews, dated 20 February 1888. Informing Lodge that he has been awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws and inviting him to attend graduation ceremony.
/64 Letter from B. Abdank-Abakanowicz to Oliver Lodge, written from Paris, dated 28 December 1894. In French. Abdank-Abakanowicz writes that the committee of the Elihu Thomson competition have awarded Lodge and and Mr Glazebrook 5000 francs.
/65 Letter from B. Abdank-Abakanowicz to Oliver Lodge, written from 27 Rue de Londres, Paris, dated 26 September 1894. Abdank-Abakanowicz explains that the official announcement of results has been delayed but he can inform Lodge confidentially that he has been awarded 5000 francs.
/66 Letter from Arthur W. Rücker [1848-1915, physicist] to Oliver Lodge, written from the Royal Society, Burlington House, London, dated 3 November 1898. Rücker writes that Lodge has been awarded the Rumford Medal for his 'researches in radiation and in the relations between ether and matter'.
/67 Notification (Instrument) of the Queen's appointment of Oliver Lodge as Principal of the University of Birmingham, signed by A. W. Fitz Roy, dated 16 June 1900. With covering letter from A. W. FitzRoy to Oliver Lodge, written from Privy Council Office, London, dated 22 June 1900.
/68 Honorary degree certificate (in Latin) from the University of Glasgow, dated 1901. With 32 signatures.
/69 Letter from the Secretary of the Athenaeum Club, dated 11 April 1902, informing Lodge that he has been elected a member of the Club.
/70 Diploma from the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society dated 13 May 1902, informing Lodge that he has been elected an honorary member of the Society. Signed by the President, Vice Presidents, and Secretaries.
/71 Letter from Salisbury [Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 1830-1903, third marquess of Salisbury and prime minister] to Oliver Lodge, written from Downing Street, dated 20 June 1902. With envelope. Salisbury tells Lodge that he is to receive a knighthood but he must keep the news private.
/72 Certificate from King George V confering on Lodge the Honorary rank of Colonel in the Territorial Force, dated 16 July 1910.
/73 Letter from A. J. Mason [1851-1928, Church of England clergyman and theologian] to Oliver Lodge, written from University of Cambridge, dated 15 March 1910. Mason writes that Cambridge would like to give Lodge the honorary degree of Doctor of Science.
/74 Letter from G. K. Menzies (Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts) to Oliver Lodge, written from the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London, dated 3 June 1919. Menzies informs Lodge that he has been awarded the Albert Medal for his pioneering work on wireless telegraphy. |