
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)WMLF
TitlePapers of the West Midland Liberal Federation
Extent9 boxes
DescriptionMinutes, 1894-1935; cash books, 1894-1895; petty cash books with names of subscribers, 1894-1958; cash receipt books, 1947-1958; General Election papers, 1945-1959; presscuttings; Small Heath by-election papers, 1961; municipal elections papers, Birmingham, Sutton Coldfield, West Midland, 1962; Liberal Clubs in the West Midland region, 1950-1956; West Midland Young Liberals correspondence, 1950-1954; papers of monthly Federation and Executive Officers' meetings and Annual General Meetings, 1948-1960; miscellaneous correspondence and printed papers relating to general business, 1948-1961; and papers of the West Midland Women's Liberal Federation, 1948-1961.
NotesAll records are open, except list of subscribers in WMLF/11, and list of members in WMLF/26 and WMLF/30. These lists of members have been removed from the main files and are closed under the Data Protection Act until 1st Jan 2028 (WMLF/11), and 2041 (parts of WMLF/26 and WMLF/30). See individual entries for further details.
ArrangementThe collection is arranged chronologically within document types.
Access ConditionsAccess to all registered researchers.
Finding AidsA catalogue of this collection is available on the online archive catalogue. Click on the Finding Number to display the summary contents list of the catalogue and to view the full catalogue, or view the catalogue as a PDF file by clicking in the document field below. A paper copy is also available in the Cadbury Research Library: Special Collections Department.
Access StatusPartially closed
Administrative HistoryThe Midland Liberal Federation was formed at an inaugural meeting held in Birmingham on 23 May 1894. The meeting was attended by delegates from Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire. According to its rules and constitution of 1930, its primary object was "to create and maintain Liberal opinion and conviction by means of Meetings, Conferences, and discussions; to stimulate Liberal thought and ideas and to secure the co-operation of all persons in general sympathy with progressive politics".

The Federation worked with and assisted the affiliated Liberal Associations in the parliamentary constituencies within its geographical area. It also coordinated with other District Federations and with the National Liberal Federation. By 1930, the area of the Midland Federation no longer encompassed Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire. The Federation appears to have been reconstituted as the West Midland Liberal Federation by 1947.

Reference: Minute books of the Midland Liberal Federation.
AcquisitionThis collection was deposited in 1967. There is also an additional deposit consisting of 11 cartons of unprocessed material


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