
Finding Number (Click this to view full catalogue structure)CMS/ACC385
TitleAccession 385 Papers of Leslie Wilfrid Brown
Extent7 files, 6 bundles
DescriptionThe papers of Leslie Wilfrid Brown, reflect broadly the two main spheres of his missionary career, ie. the church of South India and the church in Africa, particularly, Uganda. The majority of the collection consists of printed papers but also includes newspaper cuttings, correspondence, memoranda and notes made by Leslie Wilfrid Brown.
ArrangementThis collection forms part of the Church Missionary Society Unofficial Papers. It is arranged into one series: Official Papers and two sub-series
Finding AidsA catalogue of this collection (forming part of the wider CMS/ACC unofficial papers catalogue) is available on the online archive catalogue. Click on the Finding Number to display the summary contents list of the catalogue and to view the full catalogue. A paper copy of this catalogue is also available for consultation at Special Collections.
Access StatusOpen
Administrative HistoryLeslie Wilfrid Brown (1912-1999) studied at Birkbeck College, London and St John's Hall, Highbury before being ordained as a priest in 1936. He was accepted for missionary work by the CMS in 1937 and sailed for Travancore , South India, in 1938. The following year he married Dr Winifred Megaw. They worked in South India until 1952 when Rev Brown transferred to the Africa Group and was appointed bishop of Uganda and in 1960 became Archbishop of the Province of Uganda until his retirement in 1965.
Custodial HistoryDeposited with the CMS in March 1978 and transferred to the Special Collections Department in July 2003


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